When Should My Child First See an Eye Doctor?

When Should My Child First See an Eye Doctor?

When Should My Child First See an Eye Doctor?

When Should My Child First See an Eye Doctor?

When Should My Child First See an Eye Doctor?

The health and well-being of your little one tops your priorities as a parent. One crucial aspect of children's health is their vision. Good vision is critical for academic success, sports performance, and well-being. Seeing an eye doctor is a key component of good vision, but when should you bring your youngster in for an eye exam? 


At Six Months Old


The AOA recommends that infants have their first comprehensive ocular examination at six months old. The eye doctor will evaluate your child's visual growth. They will also look for any eye disorders that can impair your baby's eyesight.  At this visit your eye doctor is typically looking for any risk factors for strabismus or amblyopia. 


At Three Years Old


Children should have another comprehensive eye exam at three years old. This exam will evaluate your child's visual acuity, eye alignment, eye movement, and eye health.   Special techniques will be used, like picture matching and using a special light called a retinoscope to determine the child’s prescription. Again, an important goal of this visit is to look for risk factors for developing strabismus or amblyopia.


Before Starting School


Kids need to have a comprehensive eye exam before starting school. At this time, the examination will determine whether your child possesses the visual acuity and eye-hand coordination required for academic achievement. Additionally, the eye doctor will look for astigmatism, hyperopia, and myopia.


When You Notice Any Signs of Vision Problems


You must arrange an eye exam as soon as you notice your child exhibiting any symptoms of vision issues. These include eye rubbing, squinting, headaches, trouble seeing objects at a distance, or difficulty learning to read.  Early treatment of vision problems leads to the best outcomes and sets up your child for academic success.


Every Year After Starting School


After starting school, children should have a comprehensive eye exam annually. This will ensure early detection of any changes in how clearly they can see, as well as any visual skills that could impact learning.


If Your Child Sustains an Eye Injury


Did your youngster sustain an eye injury, such as a blow to the eye or a foreign item in the eye? If so, you must have their eyes evaluated immediately. Even if your little one looks just fine, an untreated eye injury can cause long-term harm to their vision.


A Family History of Eye Conditions


Your child is more likely to develop eye disorders if there is a family history of eye issues. Myopia, amblyopia, strabismus, and vision-related learning problems all can run in families. Periodically getting their eyes tested is crucial to discovering and addressing potential problems.


If Your Child Has a Learning Disability


Children who struggle academically due to learning disorders like dyslexia or ADHD may also have vision issues.   In this situation, checking your child's eyes to ensure they have the visual abilities required for academic achievement is crucial.  In many cases, a problem with how the eyes work together, track, or process visual information is present, and treating these conditions with vision therapy can help the child function better in school.


If Your Child Is Experiencing Eyestrain


Your youngster may be at risk of eyestrain if they spend much time using electronic gadgets. Eye tiredness, dry eyes, and headaches are all signs of eyestrain. You must have their eyes checked if you notice these signs. You want to ensure they are not going blind.



All kids must have the visual acuity and eye coordination required for academic achievement and general well-being. This makes taking them for routine pediatric eye exams crucial. 


Schedule an eye check as soon as possible if you have any worries about your child's vision. With early detection and treatment of vision problems, your little one can enjoy clear vision and a better quality of life.


For more on when your child should see an eye doctor, contact Vision Rehabilitation Associates at our Northfield, Illinois office. Call (847) 716-2340 to schedule an appointment today.

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